The Making of Taco Canoe

Over a four year time span the phrase "because, why not" has followed me, it all started after one of my teachers told us a story about when he was in school. He told us once he was assigned a paper and the only word on the prompt was "why?". Right as his teacher told the class to begin one of his classmates stood up and turned in his test. Everyone else, including him, turned theirs in right whenever the time limit was up. The student who turned in his paper first was the only one in the class to receive a 100. All the student wrote on his paper was "because, why not?" This stuck with me. The following years I began to become very passionate about marketing and branding, the only thing that could follow was creating a successful brand. So that is what I did. Because, why not? For where the name came from has a story of its own. It all started at a lunch table when one of my good friends dropped a taco into a bowl of queso, everyone started yelling Taco Canoe. There was nothing more impacting at the time than that moment where all my friends came together and it was as if nothing else mattered. Then within the next year I moved and left the people I was closest with. When creating my brand I decided to keep a little of that experience where nothing else mattered but our friendship and add it. This started Taco Canoe.